Monday 14 March 2011

My Post Spark Experience!

As promised, this is a blog reflecting on my experience at the Spark 2011: Ignite Your Future event.  Unfortunately, I was unable to make it to the actual event.  I had managed to give away a shift at work that I was scheduled to work from 10-5 on Saturday morning, however at 8 am Saturday, my work called to tell me that the gentleman I had given the shift to had been fired, and that they would need to me work the shift.  I was very upset and angry as I had been looking forward to the event for days AND had even recruited friends to come on the premise that I would be there.  Though I'm sure I still missed quite a great experience, I have been told by those in attendance that it wasn't quite what was promised.

The AMA had the opportunity to speak in a few of my fourth year marketing classes promoting their group and the event alike.  In all of the presentations, stated numerous times throughout, the group stressed the attendance of representatives from major corporations including Disney.  After not being able to attend, I asked a few friends I knew were there as well as various members of the actual AMA how it went.  To my surprise, NO ONE from Disney was there.  Apparently, Disney employs the likes of a company called Launch! to organize and control their marketing efforts in regards to their movie launches.  The lady that was then scheduled to attend Spark from Launch! apparently was on maternity and thus no one came to represent the company.  Instead, the AMA managed to fill the presenters spot.  The gentlemen that attended in Disney's space, apparently had a whole presentation on creating/building the brand that is YOU!  Unfortunately, another glitch in the event, this presenter didn't have enough hand outs for all of those in attendance.  The aggregate feeling about the event from all of those I talked to was not overly impressive.

On Saturday morning, as soon as I knew I wasn't going to Spark, I made the decision to actually join the AMA, at the price of 100$, to gain access to future events at a lower price.  Upon hearing the reviews, now, I am just not so sure.  As far as I am concerned, a group who's focus is in the marketing field, is having a very difficult time successfully/positively marketing themselves.  Maybe this is so because it is run by students who have to prioritize between the AMA, classes, group meeting, school work, and a personal life.  Either way, I still plan on becoming an active member in the group and perhaps lending a helping hand.  Since I am graduating in about 3 weeks, my knowledge of marketing and new found free time post graduation might help propel the group to future success.  One things for certain, it was a learning experience for all, even organizers, and only time will tell if lessons were learned.

Friday 4 March 2011

Spark 2011 - Ignite Your Future! The Marketing and Business Conference

As a York University, I have had the privilege of having access to a wide variety of great career building resources.  My only regret, having not taken advantage of them sooner.  As a Marketing student at York University, I have been granted access to the American Marketing Associations (AMA) York U chapter.  The AMA provides a great place for promising marketing students to interact, learn and network with other marketing students and industry professionals.  Over the past two years, the group has managed to muster up speakers from Air Miles, Ipsos Reid, and Disney, all very successful companies from which there is a lot to learn.  I am planning on attending their Spark 2011 event, on Saturday March 12th 2011.  This will be the first event I attend hosted by the group.

So I guess this begs the question, why?  Why haven't I been more actively involved in this group that is so beneficial and such an added asset to my credentials.  Well, for starters, I do believe the AMA's marketing of the group itself has been, for the most part, poorly coordinated.  I am now a fourth year marketing student, and I only started to hear about/see their recruiting presentations beginning late last year.  Secondly, I have been under the impression that memberships stretched from September to September, for when I asked to join in January, a member told me that I'd be paying the same amount as someone joining in September to only have my membership last for half the amount of time.  Now that I am aware of the fact that memberships last for an entire year, date to date, I am considering joining the actual association.

I am extremely excited for the Spark event on the 12th.  Who wouldn't be excited to spend an entire Saturday with well liked friends and professors from the university gaining industry knowledge and insight into possible career opportunities. I have been told that internships, possibly from Master Card, are going to be up for grabs and considering this is a goal of mine, to obtain an internship over this upcoming summer, what better time to start looking.  I will either add to this post or create another entry post attendance of this event. For those of you interested in attending this event, I'm including a link at the end of this entry.  (I've been told this event is not closed to York University Marketing students only, so come one come all!)

:D Til' we chat again!

Tuesday 1 March 2011

You're your own advocate!

  I was watching a little show called "Dr. Oz" today.  The topic of the show was the blending of both traditional and new aged medicine.  In the show, Dr. Oz. made a point that really hit home for me.  There are two people responsible for your health.  1) Your primary care physician 2) YOU!  If I were to have heard this statement about 10 years ago, I'd probably think, "theres no way your putting the responsibility on me for something someone went to med school for 10 years for".  But he's right.

About 10 years ago, my mother began experiencing various odd symptoms, including night sweat, unexplained weight loss and fatigue.  She had been to see her doctor on more than one occasion in ADDITION to her regular physicals, and he told her, "Stress, it's stress."  Turns out, my mom eventually found a lump in her stomach area that was biopsied and in fact CANCEROUS! Now, you can imagine the anger and frustration not only her but my family had.  To make a long story short, my mother has since passed, which should leave you to wonder, would she still be here if she had gotten a second opinion?  Often times we take Dr.'s words as carved in stone but they do have insurance for a reason and that'ts because they are human and do make mistakes!

To drive the point home I had an issue with my health right after my mom passed.  I was sleeping CONSTANTLY, like literally 12 hours at a time, waking up but still able to pass out an hour later.  My friends and family thought I was pregnant OR that it was depression from my mom's passing.  I knew it was something physical beyond my control, so one day I made a dr's appointment, just at a walk-in clinic.  I knew that all I wanted was a requisition for a blood test, and when I told him my symptoms, that's exactly what he gave me.  2 weeks later, blood results were in and I was told a) that I was iron dificient (which I had already known) and b) that my thyroid levels were off.  A few more tests confirmed that I had a thyroid problem called HYPOTHYROIDISM and that medication would do the trick.  Here I was, doing poorly in school ( you can see on my transcript when my health problems sprung up) and all because my hormone levels were out of wack!  The point of this blog is this, take the time to know your body.  Consciously realize what feels right and what feels wrong.  Get regular check-ups/physicals and second opinions.  A 10 minute check-up could mean the different between an A or a C in school, or the loss of more than 10 years off your life.